Australian and New Zealand Map Society Incorporated

ANZMapS promotes all aspects of cartography to a wide range of potential users.

It is dedicated to exploring and developing the world of maps.

ANZMapS is an international group of map producers, users and curators  in Australia, New Zealand and beyond, which acts as a medium of communication for all those interested in maps. ANZMapS was founded as the Australian Map Curators’ Circle in 1973, was renamed the Australian Map Circle in 1983, and became ANZMapS in 2009 when we joined with the New Zealand Map Society (founded 1977).

The general aims of ANZMapS are:

  • To promote communication between producers, users and curators of maps.
  • To improve the skills and status of persons working with map collections.
  • To promote the development and effective exploitation of map collections throughout Australia.

We host an Annual Conference in a different city each year. All aspects of map use and mapping are discussed. The diversity of the papers presented at the ANZMapS’s annual conferences reflects the broad range of interests of its members. Topics covered at these conferences include historical maps, map production techniques, the cataloguing and archiving of maps, government policy and technological change.


Our peer-reviewed journal, The Globe, publishes our conference proceedings and other contributions. It is issued twice a year.


Membership of ANZMapS is available to anyone who has an interest in maps. Subscription rates for an individual are $60.00 per year, for which you receive the ANZMapS journal, The Globe, and an email notification whenever a new Newsletter is uploaded to our website. Join us now!


We also operate an email discussion list on

To join the list, email a request to :
(Please include your name in the subject line of the email so we know you aren’t Spam.)
You will receive an automatic email response. To confirm your wish to join the list, reply to that email and send.
That’s it! Your email will be sent to our moderator and provided your name is not Spam, you will be added to the list, and be able to post and receive emails to

Formal membership of the society is not required to join the email list, but we do hope you will formally join the society for maximum benefit.


Inquiries? Contact us at

ANZMapS Committee 2023/24:


2023-2024 Committee


Erica Persak , President

Michael Pearson Vice

Greg Lauer Secretary

Andrew Eliason Business

Brendan Whyte Editor of the

Riaz Dean Ex Officio for NZ

Martin Woods Ex Officio

Catherine Akeroyd  Observer





ANZMapS Constitution 2010




ANZMapS Office Bearers 1973-2021