Jave la Grande: a part of Terra Australis Robert J. King (2.37 Mb)
Bibliography of the History of Australia’s National Topographic Mapping Agencies Dorothy Prescott (370kb)
Surveyors-general (Lists of British, Australian and New Zealand Surveyors-General, Government Geologists, Printers, Ministers, etc) Revised Feb. 2020. Brendan Whyte (407 kb)
Early Navigators of Bass Strait 1770-1803 map (3.61 Mb) Dept. of Sustainability & Environment (Vic.), 2010.
Indigenous Language Areas and Placenames (accompanying the Early Navigators of Bass Strait (ENBS) map)
Some References for Routes of Early Navigators 1770-1803 (accompanying the Early Navigators of Bass Strait (ENBS) map)
The early charting of Victoria’s coastline: with comments on Victoria’s maritime boundaries. Compiled by Gregory C. Eccleston:
The Early Charting of Victoria’s Coastline (pp.1-33)
The Early Charting of Victoria’s Coastline (pp.34-57)
The Early Charting of Victoria’s Coastline (pp.58-107)
The Early Charting of Victoria’s Coastline (pp.108-159 & Appendices)